Cactus Colonnari, Pachanoi, Crassula, Hawortia, Echeveria, Opuntia, Aloe

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Sold By: riden jimy

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Online: 27 days ago
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I grow only outdoors, often in open ground. You will only find plants in perfect health, full of life and difficult to kill. In a few weeks they will begin their growth with you.

I sell both cuttings and potted plants. I'll give you all the advice you want.

I have a large collection, so if you don't see the plant you are looking for in the ads, ask me if I have it. I always reply, sometimes after a few days because I have so many requests and jobs in the open field.

*Combined shipping of all my plants*

I do all this out of passion. I don't ask much for the plants, but please treat them with the utmost respect because they deserve it and because they are worth much more than the price you will pay from me.

What I earn from eBay I invest in new plants for my gardens. I am creating a place of peace, harmony and beauty.

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